Monday, January 25, 2016

#4: The Mental

Happy Monday! Here's the last of my 4 goals for the year. Ready for a full confession? I've noticed that I've been really negative lately. Like not just a little bit. I'm talking on edge, walk into a room assuming the worst, making everyone around me feel horrible and probably scared to say anything to me. Sounds like a person you wouldn't want to be around right? I don't either. And I especially don't want to BE that person. I want to be uplifting, vibrant, someone people want to be around - I want to be able to take a look at myself and be proud of who I am. Now don't get me wrong, I still think I'm pretty great. But I know I have my flaws. BIG ONES. This is no attempt at a "woe is me." This is just an honest look at myself. I've become negative. I don't like it. I want to change it. So my plan: do a Thankful Thursday (granted I've already started it, but I still needed to give you the background). Cheesy? Maybe so. But as we grow up, we sometimes realize that those cheesy things are actually really helpful tools. And what I've found is that it's extremely difficult to be negative when you're grateful. Want a challenge? The next time you get frustrated with someone, take a step back and try to think of 3-5 reasons you're grateful for that person. Even if it's a stretch. Just think of them. You'll be shocked at how much easier it is to all of a sudden understand and be patient with that person. So, here's to life. I am struggling so much that I need to publicly recognize the things I'm grateful for. I need to get to a positive place. This too will be a constant struggle, but I'm hoping it'll help me take a step closer to becoming that person that I really want to be. 

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