Wednesday, January 6, 2016

All You Need Is Chocolate & A Hot Bath

I feel like recently I've been really frustrated, really frequently. I don't know what it is. It's like I got wound so tight that no matter how hard I try, I can't shake my triggers. Think of your breathing. Get more sleep. Exercise. Try to clear your mind. Everyone has a different solution. But you know what? All of those things are temporary fixes. They might work for 5 minutes or 5 days. But the real key to letting go? HA. I'd be LYING if I told you I had the answer. Which is why I've made the New Years goals that I have. A full 360 shift - striving to be positive, grateful, charitable. I'm convinced that there's no quick fix, but that it takes A LOT of concentrated effort.

Yet regardless of how much effort it takes, sometimes those quick fixes are essential. We all need to relax every now and then. R&R. It's good for the soul. Treat yo-self. It's good for you. Tonight, on my way home from work, I started getting worked up. Not necessarily for any specific reason, I just started thinking WAY too much about a lot of little details that really don't matter. And I got stressed. So you know what I did? I came home, cleaned the big bathtub that I haven't used in a year and I drew a nice, HOT bath. Cliche? I feel like lots of women talk about it. I'm not that person. I rarely take a bath. But you know what? It was really nice. I locked my door, turned down my lights, brought in Netflix and topped it off with chocolate. That's right - my weakness. Dark Chocolate. Specifically See's (although there's several good brands). I vegged out for awhile and escaped from the world. Escaped from my mind. It's exactly what I needed.

Then, my friend started texting me and convinced me to GET OUT OF THE BATHTUB AND GO TO THE GYM. Since I had been in the bath for over an hour (no joke), I succeeded. And you know what? I had a fantastic night! I got that cleanse I needed for both my body and my mind. I think a reset is necessary at times. And you know what else? I'm on cloud 9.

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