Tuesday, January 19, 2016

My Health & Fitness 101

Last night, I taught a food/fitness class for the women at church. First, let me throw a disclaimer out that I am by no means a professional. BUT, this is what I do and what I like. I am ANTI-DIET. I hate salads and I hate cardio. Here's a few tid-bits I use...

My goal is to exercise 3-5 times a week. (The above picture was from when I was actually in the gym on a regular basis. Sad. I'll get back there.) Am I perfect? ABSOLUTELY NOT!! Recently? I've been celebrating to get to the gym 1-2 times a week. Ya, I've made my New Year's goals, but I plan on working on them the whole year, so I'm not being too hard on myself just yet. It's still January, people. When I exercise, I usually look at Pintrest to find exercises I like... then I piece them together and put my workout into Evernote.. that way I know exactly what I'm doing once I get to the gym. When I'm traveling, I like to use HASfit. All of their workouts are free and all of them are meant to do at home so you don't need any big equipment. I usually look at their YouTube Channel.

The only diets I'm a fan of are Weight Watchers (I mean if Oprah is doing it...) and Whole 30 because they teach you good habits. I'm not necessarily a fan of doing them all the time.. have you ever noticed that the people who go on diets are the people who are ALWAYS on diets? Something isn't right about that. But, Weight Watchers teaches you about portion control and Whole 30 teaches you about what's in your foods. For me, that was a good way to be more educated. 

That picture is just a reminder for me that I'm about to start my healthy eating.. swap the fries for veggies and eat a more appropriate portion of meat... anyway, I'm a fan of balance and lifestyle changes. (Mine really starts tomorrow. I promise. I've just been waiting for my freshly meals to come so I could kick start things.) I eat chocolate and/or ice cream almost every day. I'm not a fan of completely cutting things out of your diet because I think that makes you crave things too much which means you eat too much in one sitting. I'm about to try out freshly (as I mentioned earlier). They deliver fresh, prepared food RIGHT TO YOUR DOOR. My first order comes tomorrow and I'm SO excited to try it! I believe their ingredients are also organic and gluten free (yay for me!) So, Moral of the story: I like balance. I like eating good foods and reasonable portions. I try to listen to my body and eat when I'm hungry (and not over eat). I like my treats every now and then and I try to make sure treats aren't my actual meals (yes, I do that sometimes. Don't judge me). I also like to meal prep, but I travel so much that my routine is often frustrated. When I travel, my rule of thumb is: 1. eat regular portions when I go out to eat (not huge portions that are usually served) 2. try to choose healthier options and 3. don't get dessert just because I'm traveling. 


Kayela said...

Awesome! Im against completely cutting things out too. I enjoy eating healthy but I think indulging in desert occassionally is part of a healthy life style as well;) I'm loving your blog posts by the way!

Amanda said...

I totally agree!! Balance is a good thing and everyone needs a good, hearty meal or dessert every now and then. And thanks! I'm so glad you're enjoying it! 💛

Unknown said...

I find that, for me, rule of thumb number three is the hardest to follow. As I am currently traveling across the USA I am constantly snacking and wanting to stock the car up on chips, cookies, pies, and whatever kind of dessert crosses my eye… BUT, your piece totally inspired me… Today im traveling to Chicago from Kansas City and im going to stock up on veggie sticks, yogurt, and dried fruit, well, after I eat this waffle I mean!! hahahah Thanks for the inspiration Amanda …

Amanda said...

Frankie - I'm honored to be inspiration! Rule #3 is hard for me too. I love my chocolate. Eating healthy while traveling.. especially driving.. is the worst!! You have a good list there though.. I also usually take almonds or cashews or some kind of nut and lara bars - they're super healthy and somewhat filling. Planning ahead definitely makes it easier! Good luck, have fun and be safe!